Latest Blog & Articles
16 Aug 2022
What do we mean by, “In-House IP services”?
What does “Your Strategy First® mean? Have you heard of the saying “if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail“?
09 Aug 2022
Utility Model
What is a Utility Model? It is an intellectual property right to protect an invention like a patent. It is a faster substitute for patents.
04 Aug 2022
5 lies you’ve been telling yourself to delay patent protection
I am too busy – The truth is that if it is important and valuable enough everyone finds time for it.
30 Jun 2022
Critical factors for a patent grant
If you are an inventor who is considering filing a utility patent, this article will be useful for you to maximize your chance of getting
09 Apr 2022
10 steps to get a patent in India
Congratulations on your new invention! You may have done your homework on how patents can be valuable, and you may have decided to apply for a patent in India
01 Jun 2021
10 questions in an invention disclosure form
If you have an idea and you want to disclose it to others for the purpose of evaluating it or applying for a patent
11 May 2021
10 steps to obtain a US patent
Congratulations on your new invention! You may have done your homework on how patents can be valuable, and you may have decided to apply for
26 Apr 2021
How to identify inventions for patenting?
Congratulations on coming up with a new technology and venturing on your entrepreneurial journey.
24 Jan 2021
What are the patent trends in China as compared with India?
Over the past decade, the volume of patent filing in China has seen a dramatic rise.